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 50,000 SQM

This property is as good as it gets for View and tranquility, safe and relaxing location to build you executive home or Apartment complex or whet ever your imagination can dream up. This property is already marked down due to power & water issues at the property, but with solar and wind power prices at under $1 per Kilowatt, it would just make sence to do your own power system. this property is ideal to build on, the slope is gradual and mostly flat with great contours. Used to be an old Japanese settlement here back in the 30's, their are still two Japanese water tanks on the property. The View, well........lets just say you have 180 deg. of ocean right in front of you. This property is quite the investment, and later on when companies like Best Sunshine and Joetan, bridge capitol go crazy building out the north, you will be ahead of the game and most likely this property will more then double at its current price, so come and invest into this beautiful property now. I will work with you on this property, Don't wait until its gone to get interested, come see me now!

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